
ASAP is committed to accelerating the pace of discovery and informing a path to a cure for Parkinson’s disease through collaboration, research-enabling resources, and data sharing. We’ve created this catalog to showcase the research outputs and tools developed by ASAP-funded programs.


Integrated multi-cohort analysis of the Parkinson’s disease gut metagenome

Preprint: Here, the fecal metagenomes of those living with PD compared to others in the household were profiled from 4 geographically-distinct sites across 3 continents. The question was whether there were any specific PD-associated signatures in gut microbiome that are either enriched or depleted in PD.


Dopamine transporter and synaptic vesicle sorting defects initiate auxilin-linked Parkinson’s disease

Published: Auxilin helps in recycling of synaptic vesicles to facilitate neurotransmission and loss of auxilin is associated with PD. The authors show auxilin knockout mice exhibit typical PD pathology, dopamine transport is disrupted due to slower dopamine reuptake kinetics, and that macroautophagy and defective synaptic vesicle sorting contributes to dopamine dyshomeostasis. View original preprint.


Peripheral neuronal activation shapes the microbiome and alters gut physiology

Published: The enteric nervous system shapes the intestinal environment and communicates with various brain organs, including the brain. The authors used recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors and chemogenetics to map and activate enteric neurons in mice with spatial and temporal resolution. View original preprint.


Datasets associated with “Peripheral Neuronal Activation Shapes the Microbiome and Alters Gut Physiology”

This RNA data set corresponds to the preprint: Neuronal Activation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Shapes the Gut Environment in Mice (Yoo et al., 2021).


α-Synuclein overexpression and the microbiome shape the gut and brain metabolome in mice

Pathological forms of α-synuclein contribute to Parkinson’s disease (PD). Most cases of PD are believed to arise from gene-environment interactions. Microbiome composition is altered in PD, and gut bacteria are causal to symptoms and pathology in animals. Here, the authors explore how the microbiome may impact PD-associated genetic risks.


Data and code for “α-Synuclein Overexpression and the Microbiome Shape the Gut and Brain Metabolome in Mice”

Metabolomic data and analysis code associated with the article, “α-Synuclein Overexpression and the Microbiome Shape the Gut and Brain Metabolome in Mice.”


Mouse sample collection for metabolomics studies

Protocol used in the Mazmanian lab for collecting brain and gut tissues and plasma from mouse for metabolomics.


Quantitative targeted metabolomics for ASO mouse model using Biocrates Q500 platform

Protocol for using the Biocrates MxP-Q500 kit (BIOCRATES Life Science AG, Innsbruck, Austria), a commercially-available targeted metabolomics platform, to measure 634 metabolites across 26 biochemical classes from different tissues of the mouse.