Ed Boyden, PhD, is the Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology at MIT, an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the MIT McGovern Institute, and Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Media Arts and Sciences, and Biological Engineering at MIT. He leads the Synthetic Neurobiology Group, which develops tools for analyzing and repairing complex biological systems, such as the brain, and applies them systematically to reveal ground truth principles of biological function and to repair these systems. Amongst other recognitions, he has received the Wilhelm Exner Medal (2020), the Croonian Medal (2019), the Lennart Nilsson Award (2019), the Canada Gairdner International Award (2018), and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2016), and is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences (2019).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, USA
Collaborating PI

Ed Boyden, PhD

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ed Boyden, PhD, is the Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology at MIT, an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the MIT McGovern Institute, and Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Media Arts and Sciences, and Biological Engineering at MIT. He leads the Synthetic Neurobiology Group, which develops tools for analyzing and repairing complex biological systems, such as the brain, and applies them systematically to reveal ground truth principles of biological function and to repair these systems. Amongst other recognitions, he has received the Wilhelm Exner Medal (2020), the Croonian Medal (2019), the Lennart Nilsson Award (2019), the Canada Gairdner International Award (2018), and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2016), and is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences (2019).