ASAP is a disease-focused, basic research program that will address key knowledge gaps to accelerate the pace of discovery for PD. ASAP was incubated at the Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy with support from the Sergey Brin Family Foundation.
Yes, international researchers from across organization types (e.g., non-profit, for-profit, private, academic) are eligible to apply. We accept applications from all countries and consider them equally to U.S.-based researchers.
For-profit entities are eligible and encouraged to apply.
The Coordinating Lead PI is responsible for the scientific and technical direction of the proposed research project, contractual and financial obligations, and other organizational assurances/certifications. This person must ensure that the Co-Investigators and Key Personnel comply with the terms and conditions of the award and will be the primary contact person for ASAP scientific review as well as MJFF grants administration staff. The Coordinating Lead PI must be affiliated with the institution submitting the application.
The Coordinating Lead PI must be affiliated with the institution submitting the application and grant funds will be awarded to that institution, which will take responsibility for distributing funds to the institutions of the other members of the collaboration.
Each Team should consist of at least three (3), but not more than five (5) Core Leadership members, including: A Coordinating Lead PI and up to four additional Co-Investigators. All Core Leadership members are required to allocate 25% effort to the project. Additional collaborators, consultants, and key personnel may be named at the full proposal stage.
We require that the Core Leadership for each Team to consist of at least one early-career investigator (within one to seven years of their first independent appointment) in the position of Co-Investigator, and for there to be at least two different disciplines represented on each Team.
The Coordinating Lead Principal Investigator is required to budget for a Project Manager, whom should be named at the full proposal stage. This person would assist with the day-to-day coordination of all Team efforts to consistently maintain a high level of functionality and communication.
No, a detailed budget is not required at the pre-proposal stage. Please submit the ASAP Collaborative Research Network pre-proposal template and fill out the online application form to complete your pre-proposal submission.
We have no target number of teams to fund. Our decisions will be based entirely on the quality of the teams and their proposals.
No, pre-proposals and full proposals must be in English.
Yes, all internal and external application reviewers are under a confidential disclosure agreement, and all information is treated as strictly confidential.
Yes, pre-proposals not submitted in our template format will not be reviewed.
All entities may apply a rate of up to 15 percent. Total costs are inclusive of the 15 percent indirect cost rate for all entities.
All data resulting from the funded work will be made available to the scientific community at large at the earliest opportunity on preprint servers, online protocol platform, and in an open-access journal format. Please see ASAP’s Open Access Policy for more information.
Yes, researchers can be named to more than one pre-proposal submission. Please note, Co-Investigators are expected to allocate 25% time and effort to each project. If a researcher is listed as Co-Investigator on more than one selected project, that individual is expected to have the cumulative time and effort for each proposal.
This ASAP program focuses on fundamental biology and hence studies that are translational such as biomarker discovery would not fall within the scope of this RFA.
Clinical studies are out of scope for this RFA.