
ASAP is committed to accelerating the pace of discovery and informing a path to a cure for Parkinson’s disease through collaboration, research-enabling resources, and data sharing. We’ve created this catalog to showcase the research outputs and tools developed by ASAP-funded programs.


Live imaging of primary mouse neuron cultures

This protocol describes live imaging of primary neuron cultures. Included are methods for preparing hippocampal or dopamine neuronal cultures from neonatal mouse brain tissue. The imaging technique was used in Jain et al., 2023 to compare vesicular release in neurons between various transgenic knockout mouse lines.


Immunostaining mouse brain tissue or neuronal cultures

This protocol describes immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical methods to analyze protein expression in mouse brain. In the protocol, we describe the fixation of tissue or cultured neurons, the immunostaining procedure, and collecting images for analysis.


Ex Vivo Electrophysiology

This protocol describes preparation of brain slices, setup of electrophysiology rig, and solutions for collecting whole cell and cell attached recordings.


Fiber Photometry (Mouse)

This protocol describes the procedure for fiber photometry in awake behaving mice. It includes details on the surgical implantation of fibers.



This protocol describes immunohistochemical staining of fixed brain sections.


In Vivo Electrophysiology (Mouse)

This protocol describes the in vivo electrophysiology method for recording neuronal activity in mice.


Optogenetic Manipulation (Mouse)

This protocol describes the steps for in vivo ontogenetic manipulation in mice, including assembly of fiber-ferrules, surgical implantation of fibers, and testing procedure.


Mouse Stereotaxic Surgery

This protocol describes the steps for performing stereotaxic surgery in mice. It is applicable to intracranial injections (e.g. virus, drug) and placement of implants (e.g. optical fibers, electrode arrays) into targeted regions of mouse brains.


Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV) in mouse brain slices

This protocol describes the method of Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV) for the application of measuring dopamine transients in mouse brain slices. Within the protocol are sections describing the manufacture of microelectrodes, preparation of acute brain slices, fiber calibration, and measuring stimulated dopamine release.


Behavioral Testing – Open Field and Dyskinesia Scoring

This protocol describes behavioral testing to assess motor deficits in mice. It includes open field locomotor testing and scoring of levodopa-induced dyskinesia.


Mouse behavior – Open Field and T-Maze

This protocol describes two behavioral tasks for mice. The first is the Open Field Test, which is used to asses motor behavior, and the second is the T-Maze, which is used to assess spatial learning.


Mouse brain tissue collection and analysis

This protocol describes the dissection and collection of coronal sections of the striatum and midbrain from a mouse brain.


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Implant

This protocol describes the steps for making implants used for deep brain stimulation (DBS) in rodents.