
ASAP is committed to accelerating the pace of discovery and informing a path to a cure for Parkinson’s disease through collaboration, research-enabling resources, and data sharing. We’ve created this catalog to showcase the research outputs and tools developed by ASAP-funded programs.


Data set of the manuscript “Neuronal hyperactivity-induced oxidant stress promotes in vivo a-synuclein brain spreading”

Data set of the manuscript “Neuronal hyperactivity-induced oxidant stress promotes in vivo a-synuclein brain spreading”.


The GBA variant E326K is associated with alpha-synuclein aggregation and lipid droplet accumulation in human cell lines

The GBA variant E326K is associated with alpha-synuclein aggregation and lipid droplet accumulation in human cell lines. Associated with publication 10.1101/2022.06.01.494130.


Glucocerebrosidase, a Parkinson´s disease-associated protein, is imported into mitochondria and regulates complex I assembly and function

Raw data files used for the manuscript “Glucocerebrosidase, a Parkinson´s disease-associated protein, is imported into mitochondria and regulates complex I assembly and function.” 


Sex-specific microglial responses to glucocerebrosidase inhibition

Morpho-dynamic analysis occurring in primary cells derived from female and male mice in response to proinflammatory stimulations and glucocerebrosidase inhibition.


Differential response of α-synuclein expression to bacterial ligands and metabolites in mouse enteroendocrine cells

Dataset for manuscript, “α-synuclein expression in response to bacterial ligands and metabolites in gut enteroendocrine cells.” Tabs in excel file are titled with the figure number.


Feacal metagenomic data related to “Evaluation of an Adapted Semi-Automated DNA Extraction for Human Salivary Shotgun Metagenomics”

This study demonstrates that the authors’ semi-automated protocol is suitable for shotgun metagenomic analysis, by significantly producing higher DNA fragment sizes while allowing for improved sample treatment logistics with reduced technical variability and without compromising the structure of the oral microbiome.