
ASAP is committed to accelerating the pace of discovery and informing a path to a cure for Parkinson’s disease through collaboration, research-enabling resources, and data sharing. We’ve created this catalog to showcase the research outputs and tools developed by ASAP-funded programs.


Evaluation of a novel method for spectral analysis of neurophysiology data

This code implements a novel method for correcting a distortion effect that is present in the power spectra of neuronal spike trains. This method is compared to an alternative, inter-spike interval shuffling procedure that has been conventionally employed for this purpose in the past.


fMRI tasks to explore emotion-motor interactions

Code for fMRI tasks designed to explore emotion-motor interactions—Active Escape and Approach-Avoidance tasks.


Plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical and electrophysiological recordings

Code for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical (EChem) and electrophysiological (EPhys) recordings.


3D printed MR-compatible stereotaxic frame for NHPs

A compact MRI-compatible stereotaxis suitable for a variety of NHP species (Macaca mulatta, Macaca fascicularis, and Cebus apella) that allows multimodal alignment through technique-specific fiducial markers.


Task data for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical and electrophysiological recordings

Data for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical (EChem) and electrophysiological (EPhys) recordings.


Incentivized vigor task

A python program for a task in human participants using a joystick to make speeded reaches to cued targets. Also includes scripts for extracting behavioral variables, including kinematics.