Celebrating the Collaborative ASAP Community Through Art&Science
Parkinson’s disease (PD) was first described in 1817, over 200 years ago. Over the last few decades, significant findings have deepened our understanding of the disease. However, despite the advances, knowledge gaps remain.
The Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative is focused on filling those knowledge gaps by accelerating discoveries for PD through collaboration, generation of research-enabling resources, and data sharing. Since its inception, ASAP has been committed to changing the way that science is done by encouraging researchers to break down scientific silos and work together to tackle challenges so that scientific understanding within the PD field might continue to advance.
To celebrate the collaborative nature of the ASAP initiative, Dr. Dorotea Fracchiolla (Team Hurley | Founder of Art&Science) created a painting triptych. Each of the paintings portrays a representation of the human brain, with a thread that weaves its way throughout the two halves of the brain. The thread begins in the top half of the brain. Viewers will notice that the thread contains knots that run through the brain gyri, representing the protein aggregates of alpha-synuclein that characterize the brains of PD patients. As viewers follow the thread, they’ll notice that the thread is actively being pulled out of the organ by a team of enthusiastic researchers who are working together to disentangle it. The other half of the brain contains additional researchers, who work to channel the thread through the only possible way out – the path that is illuminated by scientific research. As the thread makes its way out of the brain, it extends to the ASAP logo, symbolizing the role that ASAP plays in facilitating collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
These paintings feature three members of ASAP Leadership: Dr. Ekemini Riley (Managing Director), Dr. Randy Schekman (Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board), and Dr. Sonya Dumanis (Deputy Director). Drs. Riley, Schekman, and Dumanis represent all ASAP staff, who are deeply committed to ASAP’s mission and to changing the culture of science through promoting collaboration, resource generation, and data sharing.
Photo credit to Aura Studio.