Investing in Open Science: Key Considerations for Funders
ASAP program officer, Dana Lewis, PhD, joins Preprints in Motion to discuss our open science preprint that covers costs associated with open science policies from a funder's perspective.
Advancing Parkinson’s Disease Research: APDA’s Commitment to Innovation
The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) highlights Dr. Roberta Marongiu from CRN Team Kaplitt for her work exploring the role of biological sex in Parkinson's disease.
Immune cells may lead to more Parkinson’s cases in men
New research from Team Sulzer reveals how a protein in brain cells may drive Parkinson’s onset—and offers a possible explanation for why Parkinson’s is much more common in men.
Molecular Switch for Toxic Protein Disposal May Be Parkinson’s Target
Parkinson's News Today reports on a new study from CRN Team Hurley that identified a molecular switch in a protein complex that regulates how cellular waste disposal mechanisms clean up and recycle unwanted materials - like the toxic alpha-synuclein protein clumps, or aggregates, that drive the death of nerve cells in Parkinson’s disease.
The Mercurial Nature of Lab Materials: Using RRIDs Increases Findability and Stability
ASAP shares insight on why we require that all code used in a manuscript be shared in a publicly accessible repository.
Sergey Brin’s $2 Billion Quest To Tackle Parkinson’s, Bipolar Disorder And Now Autism
Forbes Magazine spotlights Coalition for Aligning Science initiatives and highlights recent ASAP discoveries.