Single nucleus transcriptomic dataset of AAV-infected mouse OE
By Emma Sherrell onSingle nucleus sequencing dataset from mouse murine olfactory epithelium exposed to 4 AAV serotypes via nasal lavage. The goal was to identify the best candidate for transduction of olfactory sensory neurons. Code is included with the dataset.
Microscopy dataset for: Comparative Analysis of AAV Serotypes for Transduction of Olfactory Sensory Neurons
By Emma Sherrell onImaging dataset for the manuscript, "Comparative Analysis of AAV Serotypes for Transduction of Olfactory Sensory Neurons" by Belfort, Jia et al., 2024.
Global TMTpro proteomics on iNeuron and HeLa FBXO7 cells studying mitophagy
By Emma Sherrell onDataset includes proteomic analysis of iNeurons at day 0, 4, 12, with and without FBXO7, and HeLa cells under fed and mitophagy conditions, with and without FBXO7.
Datasets related to “Loss of the lysosomal lipid flippase ATP10B leads to progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration and Parkinsonian motor deficits”
By savannah onDatasets related to "Loss of the lysosomal lipid flippase ATP10B leads to progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration and Parkinsonian motor deficits."
Data for published paper, “Chronic Hyperactivation of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Causes Preferential Dopamine Neuron Degeneration”
By Emma Sherrell onRaw data for publication titled, "Chronic hyperactivation of midbrain dopamine neurons causes preferential dopamine neuron degeneration."
Dataset: Parkinson’s Families Project: A UK-wide study of early onset and familial Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onParkinson’s Families Project aims to identify genetic variations linked to familial and early-onset Parkinson's disease. SNP array genotyping, MLPA, and WGS were performed to study pathogenic mutations and their association with clinical factors.
Raw tabular data of confocal microscopic images for “Characterizing enteric neurons in dopamine transporter (DAT)-Cre reporter mice reveals dopaminergic subtypes with dual-transmitter content”
By Emma Sherrell onUsing immunofluorescence, the authors uncovered a subpopulation of tdTomato-immunoreactive neurons in the ENS exhibit dual-transmitter content (DAT/ChAT, DAT,nNOS).
Pixel-dependent offset, gain, variance, and readnoise maps for CS505MUP polarization camera
By savannah onFour tif files are the pixel-dependent camera offset (in ADU counts), gain (in ADU counts/photoelectron), variance (in ADU counts^2), and readout noise (in photoelectrons) for the full sensor of a polarization camera (CS505MUP, Thorlabs).
Polarization camera PAINT movie of single Nile red dyes binding to lipid bilayer-coated silica microspheres
By savannah onPolarization camera PAINT movie of single Nile red dyes binding to lipid bilayer-coated silica microspheres.
Polarization camera dSTORM datasets of actin in fixed HeLa cells labeled with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 488
By savannah onPolarization camera dSTORM dataset of the actin of fixed HeLa cells labeled with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 488.
Polarization camera dSTORM datasets of actin in fixed HeLa cells labeled with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 647
By savannah onPolarization camera dSTORM dataset of the actin of fixed HeLa cells labeled with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 647.
Polarization camera movies of T cells on a cover glass
By savannah onPolarization camera movies of T cells on a cover glass.
Video S1 SYTOX Orange
By savannah onSupporting movie showing single SYTOX Orange molecules dispersed on a cover glass.
Polarization camera movie of single SYTOX Orange molecules on a cover glass
By savannah onRoSE-O adapted for SMOLM using polarization camera. Can also be modified to work with other single-channel imaging systems.
Images of mouse VTA and SNc sections labeled for neurotransmitter phenotype markers via RNAscope
By savannah on48 coronal sections from three male and three female C57Bl/6J mice were labeled for mRNAs encoding the canonical vesicular transporters for dopamine (VMAT2), GABA (VGAT), and glutamate (VGLUT2). Imaged via confocal microscopy.
Primary data for article, “Excessive firing of dyskinesia-associated striatal direct pathway neurons is gated by dopamine and excitatory synaptic input” (DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114483)
By savannah onPrimary data for the published manuscript, "Excessive firing of dyskinesia-associated striatal direct pathway neurons is gated by dopamine and excitatory synaptic input" (Ryan et al. Cell Reports 43:8, 114483, 2024.).
Primary data part 2 for synaptic tracing for article, “Excessive firing of dyskinesia-associated striatal direct pathway neurons is gated by dopamine and excitatory synaptic input” (DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114483)
By savannah onStudy in FosTRAP mice examines striatal neurons linked to dyskinesia using various methods. Dataset relates to synaptic tracing in levodopa-induced dyskinesia. Published in Ryan et al., 2024 (Cell Reports).
Datasets, code, and key resources table from Brimblecombe, K. et al. (2023): “Inhibition of striatal dopamine release by the L-type calcium channel inhibitor isradipine co-varies with risk factors for Parkinson’s”
By savannah onThe following files are associated with Brimblecombe, K. et al. (2023) study: (a) Key Resources Table, (b) all tabular datasets, and (c) Custom R code used to analyze all datasets.
Modelling human neuronal catecholaminergic pigmentation in rodents recapitulates age-related multisystem neurodegenerative deficits
By Emma Sherrell onModels for neurodegenerative diseases lack of NM, a pigment found in human brains. A new transgenic mouse model, mimics human distribution and shows age-related neuronal dysfunction and degeneration, offering potential for research in brain aging.
Functional efficacy of the MAO-B inhibitor safinamide in murine substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic neurons in vitro: a comparative study with tranylcypromine
By Emma Sherrell onSafinamide (SAF) is used for PD by enhancing dopamine signal. SAF prolongs recovery from dopamine-mediated firing inhibition in SNpc DAergic neurons, mildly compared to tranylcypromine, suggesting multiple sites of action for SAF's therapeutics.