Multifiber array fabrication and calibration
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol describes a multi-fiber photometry approach to track dopamine release in mice with high spatial and temporal resolution in multiple locations in the brain simultaneously.
Targeted optogenetic stimulations
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the steps for targeted optogenetic manipulation using a new micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics across multiple targeted locations simultaneously in behaving mice.
Multi-color fiber array imaging
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the steps for fiber array imaging setup and acquisition using a new micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics across multiple targeted locations simultaneously in behaving mice.
Stereotaxic viral injections and array implantation
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the stereotaxic viral injections and array implantation steps using a micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics across multiple targeted locations simultaneously in behaving mice.
Micro-CT scanning and fiber localization
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the micro-CT scanning and fiber localization steps for a micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics across multiple targeted locations simultaneously in behaving mice.
Immunohistology in mouse brain sections after whole-brain micro-CT scanning
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes immunohistology steps performed in mouse brain sections to confirm viral expression and stain for neurons after whole-brain micro-CT scanning and contrast agent soaking procedure.
Freely moving imaging
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the steps for imaging in freely moving mice using a new micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics in multiple sites.
Head-fixed behavior
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol includes the steps for imaging in head-fixed mice using a new micro-fiber array approach that measures and optogenetically manipulates local dynamics in multiple sites.
Mitochondrial antigen presentation (MitAP) to primary 2C CD8 T (proliferation and suppression) assay
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the mitochondrial antigen presentation (MitAP) to primary 2C CD8 T (proliferation and suppression) assay in vivo
Brain infiltrating leukocytes (BILs) extraction
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the extraction of brain infiltrating leukocytes (BILs).
Astrocyte generation
By Emma Sherrell onA protocol for generating astrocytes from cortical neural progenitor cells using a commercial astrocyte media (AM).
Making Ca2+ – selective microelectrodes
By Emma Sherrell onProtocol for making Ca2+ sensitive electrodes to measure extracellular Ca2+ concentrations at high spatiotemporal resolution in acute ex vivo brain slices.
Intracranial injections of viral vectors in mouse striatum
By Emma Sherrell onProtocol for intracranial viral vector injections in dorsal or ventral striatum in mice is outlined. Steps are generalizable but require optimization for injection coordinates and virus concentration.
Protocols for stereotaxic injections into mouse brain and ex-vivo electrophysiology
By Emma Sherrell onThe protocol outlines the injection of α-Synuclin PFF and monomer into the mouse brain, followed by the preparation of acute slices from mice for whole-cell patch clamp recordings.
Designing sgRNA oligos and inserting guides into the GEARBOCS vector
By Emma Sherrell onProtocol for designing sgRNAs for genes using GEARBOCS vector backbone enabling astrocyte-specific genetic manipulation in CRISPR/Cas9 mice for in vivo assays.
Behavioral analyses in mice
By Emma Sherrell onThis collection of protocols describes different behavioral assays performed in mice, including grip strength test, pole test, rotarod, open field, and nose poking learning task.
DAB immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining for stereological analysis
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the DAB immunohistochemistry staining for stereological analysis of 40 µM slices cut with cryostat and stored in antifreeze.
Immunohistochemistry of free floating slices
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the immunohistochemistry of free-floating slices.
Perfusion/fixation for cryostat slicing for HHC
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the Perfusion and Fixation for cryostat slicing for HHC.