Mitochondrial Antigen Presentation (MitAP) to 2CZ CD8+ T cell hybridoma
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the Mitochondrial Antigen Presentation (MitAP) to 2CZ CD8+ T cell hybridoma.
Preparation of qPCR standards for AAV titering
By Emma Sherrell onqPCR standards for AAV titering- document annex to protocol, "AAV Purification Protocol with Iodixanol gradient."
Human brain sequential extraction (Tau)
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details human brain sequential extraction for pathological tau. This protocol is an adaptation of the work of several labs.
Isolation of brain infiltrating lymphocytes
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the isolation of brain infiltrating lymphocytes after adoptive transfer of mitochondrial antigen- specific T cells. Splenic lymphocytes are screened to verify the presence/phenotype of CD8 in the periphery.
Human post-mortem nuclei preparation and single-nucleus multiome DNA/RNA sequencing by ResolveOME
By savannah onHuman post-mortem nuclei preparation and single-nucleus multiome DNA/RNA sequencing by ResolveOME.
Rotarod test
By Emma Sherrell onBehavioral assay to measure motor impairments, specifically balance and coordination, in mice.
6-OHDA lesion in medial forebrain bundle
By Emma Sherrell onLesion of the medial forebrain bundle using 6-OHDA to induce Parkinsonian-like deficits in mice.
AAV craniotomy
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol is for the injection of AAV into a mouse brain using a stereotactic frame and Hamilton syringe.
Apomorphine-induced rotations
By Emma Sherrell onTo test for 6-OHDA lesion efficiency, rotational behaviors are assessed while mice are under the effects of apomorphine. This test is run during the dark phase of light cycle. Experiments are performed by an examiner blinded to treatment groups.
Rodent brain processing for histological analyses
By Emma Sherrell onProtocol for rat brain processing in order to perform histological analyses.
Imaging single SYTOX Orange molecules on a PLL-coated cover glass V.1
By savannah onProtocol for preparing a microscopy sample of single SYTOX Orange molecules on PLL-coated cover glass, used in Bruggeman et al.'s POLCAM study for molecular orientation microscopy. Published in bioRxiv, Feb 2023.
Preparation and imaging of lipid bilayer-coated silica microspheres
By savannah onProtocol details lipid bilayer-coated glass beads imaging for molecular orientation microscopy.
TAB-PAINT imaging of alpha-synuclein fibrils using Nile Red
By savannah onProtocol for preparing alpha-synuclein fibrils on PLL-coated cover glass for TAB-PAINT imaging with Nile Red.
dSTORM of actin in fixed HeLa cells
By savannah onProtocol for preparing HeLa DTS cells for dSTORM imaging of actin network.
Live-cell imaging of the plasma membrane of Jurkat T cells
By savannah onProtocol for preparing Jurkat T cells for live imaging of plasma membrane, used in Bruggeman et al.'s study on POLCAM microscopy. Data in Figure 6 of bioRxiv publication.
AAV production and purification
By savannah onThis protocol is for the production and purification of Adeno-Associated Virus. The protocol contains the necessary steps to produce AAVs from HEK293T cell cultures.
DAB staining for Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) on free-floating fixed NHP brain tissue
By savannah onThis protocol details the procedure for immunohistochemical 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining for Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) of free-floating fixed brain tissue sections using the avidin/biotin ABC complex and the Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-TH NB300-109 (Novus).
Chronic multi-electrode assembly implantation with a chamber setup
By savannah onProtocol for implanting carbon fiber microelectrodes for chronic recording using a two-part chamber system in rhesus macaques. Prior steps for chamber implantation are detailed in other protocols.