Intracellular neuromelanin from post-mortem human midbrain and pontine
By Emma Sherrell onThis data set includes different quantification parameters to identify the features of intracellular neuromelanin.
Single-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomes
By Emma Sherrell onThis dataset contains 224 paired fastq files (112 single cells) from the following samples: brains from two Multiple System Atrophy patients and one control, and non-brain controls (fibroblasts, NA12878).
Source data for “Feed-forward metabotropic signaling by Cav1 Ca2+ channels supports pacemaking in pedunculopontine cholinergic neurons”
By Julia Julia Leonard onSource data and images from the paper: Feed-forward metabotropic signaling by Cav1 Ca2+ channels supports pacemaking in pedunculopontine cholinergic neurons.
Primary data associated with the manuscript, “Genome-wide screen reveals Rab12 GTPase as 2 a critical activator of Parkinson’s disease-linked LRRK2 kinase” (3/3)
By Emma Sherrell onPrimary data associated with the manuscript, "Genome-wide screen reveals Rab12 GTPase as 2 a critical activator of Parkinson’s disease-linked LRRK2 kinase."
Primary data associated with the manuscript, “Genome-wide screen reveals Rab12 GTPase as 2 a critical activator of Parkinson’s disease-linked LRRK2 kinase” (2/3)
By Emma Sherrell onPrimary data associated with the manuscript, "Genome-wide screen reveals Rab12 GTPase as 2 a critical activator of Parkinson’s disease-linked LRRK2 kinase." These include raw immunoblotting data (.tiff files), annotated images (.pdf), and their quantitation and graphs obtained using GraphPad Prism(.pzf files). These also include microscopy images and their analyses in GraphPad Prism (.pzf files).
Primary data associated with the manuscript, “Parkinson’s VPS35[D620N] mutation induces LRRK2 mediated lysosomal association of RILPL1 and TMEM55B” (doi: 10.1101/2023.06.07.544051)
By Emma Sherrell onConfocal microscopy images, CellProfiler Excel files of Pearson's coefficients between TMEM55B/RILPL1 or pRab10/RILPL1 in R1441C MEF or VPS35 MEF cells, and Prism files of graphed Pearson's coefficients for each condition, as seen in doi: 10.1101/2023.06.07.544051.
Dynamic behaviour restructuring mediates dopamine-dependent credit assignment
By Julia Julia Leonard onSource data for Nature manuscript: Dynamic behavior restructuring mediates dopamine-dependent credit assignment.
Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program data release 6
By Julia Julia Leonard onThis release includes >20,000 additional participants adding to the previous releases from the Complex and Monogenic Networks. The complex disease data now consists of a total of 44,831 genotyped participants. The monogenic disease data now consists of a total of 2,324 sequenced participants.
Primary data associated with the manuscript 10.1126/science.adi9926 (“Rab29-dependent asymmetrical activation of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2”)
By Julia Julia Leonard onPrimary data associated with the manuscript "Rab29-dependent asymmetrical activation of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2" (Hanwen Zhu, Francesca Tonelli, Martin Turk, Alan Prescott, Dario R. Alessi, Ji Sun). These include immunoblotting data and their quantitation, representative confocal microscopy images, and quantitation and statistical analysis of confocal microscopy images.
Peripheral MC1R activation modulates immune responses and confers neuroprotection in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onDataset corresponding to the article, "Peripheral MC1R activation modulates immune responses and confers neuroprotection in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease."
Nigrostriatal Tau pathology in Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onDataset corresponding to the preprint, "Is Tau the Initial Pathology in Dopaminergic Nigrostriatal Degeneration? Studies in Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s Disease."
Generation of locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons from human pluripotent stem cells
By Julia Julia Leonard onA dataset related to the development of human LC-NE neurons from human pluripotent stem cells.
Systemic inflammation triggers long-lasting neuroinflammation and accelerates neurodegeneration in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease overexpressing human α-synuclein
By Emma Sherrell onParkinson’s disease (PD) involves genetic and environmental risk factors. Research efforts have been made to understand how they interact to impair homeostasis and elevate risk. Inflammation could be one unifying factor. This dataset is related to a study that utilized a PD animal model to study the impact of inflammation.
Tabular data associated with “Synapsin E-domain is essential for α-synuclein function” (
By savannah onWith previous studies implicating the E-domain in clustering SVs, our experiments advocate a cooperative role for these two proteins in maintaining physiologic SV clusters. (
Data associated with “Serine-129 phosphorylation of α-synuclein is a trigger for physiologic protein-protein interactions and synaptic function”
By Emma Sherrell onThe experiments offer a new conceptual platform for investigating the role of Ser129 in synucleinopathies, with implications for drug development.
Raw data associated with each Figure and Supplementary Figures from “Novel green fluorescent polyamines to analyze ATP13A2 and ATP13A3 activity in the mammalian polyamine transport system”
By Emma Sherrell onRaw data associated with each Figure and Supplementary Figures from "Novel green fluorescent polyamines to analyze ATP13A2 and ATP13A3 activity in the mammalian polyamine transport system."
Development and characterization of a non-human primate model of disseminated synucleinopathy
By savannah onIn this study, the performance and biodistribution of the retrogradely-spreading AAV9-SynA53T vector was evaluated in the NHP brain. Conducted intraparenchymal deliveries of viral suspensions in the left putamen gave rise to a disseminated synucleinopathy in a circuit-specific basis.
Neuromelanin accumulation drives endogenous synucleinopathy in non-human primates
By savannah onEvidence has provided showing that intracellular aggregation of endogenous alpha-synuclein is triggered by NMel accumulation, therefore any therapeutic approach intended to decrease NMel levels may provide appealing choices for the successful implementation of novel PD therapeutics.
ICC confocal images: Protein aggregation and calcium dysregulation are the earliest hallmarks of familial Parkinson’s disease in human midbrain dopaminergic neurons
By savannah onOur differentiation paradigm generates an efficient model for studying disease mechanisms in PD, and highlights that protein misfolding to generate intraneuronal oligomers is one of the earliest critical events driving disease in human neurons, rather than a late-stage hallmark of the disease.
Motor learning selectively strengthens cortical and striatal synapses of motor engram neurons Dataset
By Emma Sherrell onThis upload includes 1) ImageJ macros / scripts for minor automated cell counting for brain slides with immunostaining and 2) MATLAB functions / scripts for minor automated spine location cluster analysis (nearest neighbor distance / index).