
ASAP is committed to accelerating the pace of discovery and informing a path to a cure for Parkinson’s disease through collaboration, research-enabling resources, and data sharing. We’ve created this catalog to showcase the research outputs and tools developed by ASAP-funded programs.


ICC confocal images: Protein aggregation and calcium dysregulation are the earliest hallmarks of familial Parkinson’s disease in human midbrain dopaminergic neurons

Our differentiation paradigm generates an efficient model for studying disease mechanisms in PD, and highlights that protein misfolding to generate intraneuronal oligomers is one of the earliest critical events driving disease in human neurons, rather than a late-stage hallmark of the disease.


Pseudogenes limit the identification of novel common transcripts generated by their parent genes

Genomic sequences with high sequence similarity, such as parent-pseudogene pairs, cause short sequencing reads to align to multiple locations, thus complicating genomic analyses. However, their impact on transcriptomic analyses, including the estimation of gene expression and transcript annotation, has been less studied. The authors investigated the impact of pseudogenes on transcriptomic analyses.


RASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds

Super-resolution and single-molecule microscopy are increasingly applied to complex biological systems. A challenge of this approach is that fluorescent puncta must be detected in low signal, high noise, and heterogeneous background environments of cells and tissue. The authors present RASP, Radiality Analysis of Single Puncta, a bioimaging-segmentation method that solves this problem.


RASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds_data

RASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds_data.