Catalyzing Impact

Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) is a research program focused on understanding the underlying science of Parkinson’s disease (PD) with the goal of amplifying and coordinating efforts around the world within and outside the existing PD community. Our initiative is unique due to our ability to make large, long-term commitments; our appetite for risk and ability to support studies that might otherwise not be funded; and our steadfast belief that we can accelerate advances by fostering a collaborative and open approach to research through our open science policies. We are managed by the Coalition for Aligning Science (CAS) and collaborate with The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) to implement our programs. We invite you to learn more about our impact.

Our Commitment to Open Science

At ASAP, we use the principles of open science to support the larger goals of collaboration, resource generation, and data sharing and accessibility to make a positive impact on PD research.

We support five programs, all with the goal of advancing research for the benefit of the entire PD community. These projects help fuel mechanistic research and enable biomarker studies. They work together to help us and the PD research field move closer to accelerating scientific advances by fostering a collaborative and open approach to research through open science.

ASAP Theory of Change

At ASAP, we apply a Theory of Change framework, which allows us to cohesively and comprehensively measure progress – from idea to result – in the context of our overarching vision. Further, it enables us to reflect upon and iterate processes as we measure our progress to date. Our work is broken down into the three main components of our mission: collaboration, resource generation, and data sharing, which underpin our strategies for accelerating discoveries for PD.


Scientific progress can be accelerated when researchers exchange ideas early and often, in a collaborative rather than competitive manner.


By supporting resource development, we are building an infrastructure, available to the larger scientific community, that improves access to research tools, reproducibility of studies, and process efficiency to accelerate discoveries.


By sharing research outputs like data, code, and protocols, we are allowing researchers to build upon the work of others. This facilitates collaboration among investigators, attracts new talent and expertise to the field, and allows us to increase the power of our studies through meta-analysis.


We believe that by supporting collaboration, facilitating research, enabling resource generation, and creating a culture of data sharing, we can deliver faster and better outcomes for Parkinson’s disease research.

Open science is at the core of all our work. We are committed to ensuring research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. We facilitate the rapid and free exchange of scientific ideas, ensuring that the research we fund can be leveraged for future discoveries. Learn more about our comprehensive report, the ASAP Blueprint, our recent publication, and other open science engagements.

ASAP by the Numbers

as of September 2024


Research Outputs




Average Months Between Preprints and Published Outputs


GP2 Data Releases


CRN Datasets

17 million+

PPMI Data Downloads






CRN Lab Resources


iNDI-PD Lab Resources

Our Catalog lists ASAP-funded research outputs, including blog posts, articles, protocols, datasets, code for analytical pipelines, and lab resources such as plasmids, cell lines, or animal models.

Protocol Particulars

Check out our interview series with ASAP-funded researchers explaining the process to recreate their protocols and sharing best practices.

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Daniel Saarela, BSc
Team Alessi

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Enrico Bagnoli, PhD
Team Alessi

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Isolation of PBMCs 

Gerardo Ongari, PhD
Team Schapira

Latest News

Parkinson’s News Today reports on the ASAP CRN Cloud, a data-sharing platform that will make data on human brain samples available to researchers around the world.