GP2-Funded Training Opportunity: Online Courses by FAES at the NIH

We are pleased to announce that we will be funding places on online courses delivered by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) academic programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the fall semester.
FAES delivers high-quality educational programs, and classes are taught by researchers from the NIH and experts from academia and industry.
GP2 will be funding introductory bioinformatics and data science courses in the 2021 fall semester. Courses run in two sessions: Session A from August 30th – October 15th and Session B from October 25th – December 10th. Each online course will last seven weeks. Specific details are outlined below.
Available courses running in Session A (August 30th – October 15th 2021)
- BIOF 309 – Introduction to Python – Two credits
- BIOF 475 – Introduction to Data Science – Two credits
Available courses running in Session B (October 25th – December 10th 2021)
- BIOF 309 – Introduction to Python – Two credits
- BIOF 521 – Bioinformatics for Analysis of Data Generated by Next Generation Sequencing – Two credits
No previous knowledge or experience in Python is necessary.
Application Information
Deadline: 23:59 BST, August 22, 2021
You may only apply for one course (one from Session A or one from Session B). Please read the course information in the links provided above and state which course you would like to apply for in your application.
Please submit applications to [email protected] by 23:59 BST, August 22, 2021 in the following format:
- A CV (two pages maximum).
- Completed application form (download here).
We will prioritize applications from applicants living and working/studying in countries currently underrepresented in Parkinson’s disease genetics research.