Congratulations to the 2022 COSA Prize Recipients

ASAP’s second annual Celebration of Scientific Achievement (COSA) showcased the outstanding contributions of young investigators across our Collaborative Research Network (CRN). This year’s event attracted over 140 abstract submissions from trainees, and over 440 individuals registered to attend the event.
Prize Winners
This year we awarded five presenters for their research contributions to the CRN.
Reviewer’s First Place Prize
Our first-place Reviewer’s Prize went to Miguel Chuapoco of Team Gradinaru for the research titled, Intravenous Gene Transfer Throughout the Brain of Infant Old World Primates Using Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV).
Reviewer’s Second Place Prize
There was a three-way tie for the second place Reviewer’s Prize. Awardees included:
Eduard Bentea of Team Vangheluwe for work on Exploring the Role of the Lysosomal Protein Atp10b in the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Pathway of Rats
Natalie Kaempf of Team Voet, who presented Sleep Defects Delineate Parkinson’s DiseaseSubgroups in Drosophila
Hariam Raji of Team Schapira, for the research titled, Long-Term Culture and Characterization of Gba1 Midbrain Organoids). .
Community Prize
The Community Prize based on polling from COSA 2022 attendees went to Sherilyn Junelle Recinto of Team Desjardins for her research titled, Dysregulated Immune Response in the Gut Underlying Early Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms.
We would like to wish warm congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who presented this year to share early findings from their ASAP grants! If you would like to learn more about the research being done by the CRN, please visit our external Catalog to view preprints, datasets, protocols, and more.