Nova-ST: Nano-patterned ultra-dense platform for spatial transcriptomics
By Emma Sherrell onPublished: Existing spatial transcriptomics techniques are either limited by capture array density or are cost-prohibitive for large-scale atlasing. Nova-ST, a dense nano-patterned spatial transcriptomics technique derived from randomly barcoded Illumina sequencing flow cells enables customized, low-cost, flexible, and high-resolution spatial profiling of large tissue sections. View original preprint.
Source data for Mendonça et al 2024
By Emma Sherrell onSource data and code from dopamine neuron activity encode the length of upcoming contralateral movement sequences by Mendonça et al 2024.
Analysis of glycosphingolipids from animal tissues
By Emma Sherrell onInterest in the role of cellular glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in health and disease led the authors to develop a sensitive method to analyze the full complement of GSL structures present in mammalian cells, fluids, and tissues.
pMX-IG-ATG3 (K62D/K64D)
By Emma Sherrell onPlasmid: Expresses untagged ATG3 (K62D/K64D) in mammalian cells.
Plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical and electrophysiological recordings
By Emma Sherrell onCode for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical (EChem) and electrophysiological (EPhys) recordings.
Task data for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical and electrophysiological recordings
By Emma Sherrell onData for plotting interspike intervals (ISI) and spikes from fast-scan cyclic voltammetric (FSCV) electrochemical (EChem) and electrophysiological (EPhys) recordings.
An open-source MRI-compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkey
By Emma Sherrell onPublished: Neurosurgical targeting in nonhuman primates (NHPs) requires presurgical anatomy mapping with neuroimaging techniques (MRI, CT, PET). Given the varied tissue contrasts that these imaging techniques produce, the alignment of imaging-based coordinates to surgical apparatus can be cumbersome. The authors developed an MRI-compatible stereotaxis allowing alignment through technique-specific fiducial markers. View original preprint.
3D printed MR-compatible stereotaxic frame for NHPs
By Emma Sherrell onA compact MRI-compatible stereotaxis suitable for a variety of NHP species (Macaca mulatta, Macaca fascicularis, and Cebus apella) that allows multimodal alignment through technique-specific fiducial markers.
In-vivo MRI and CT scanning protocol for non-human primates using a 3D-printed MR-compatible stereotaxic frame
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol describes the methods of using a custom 3D printed stereotaxic frame to acquire MRI and CT scans for nonhuman primates in detailed steps.
DAB staining for GFP on free-floating fixed NHP brain tissue
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the procedure for immunohistochemical 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining of free-floating fixed brain tissue sections using the avidin/biotin ABC complex to detect green fluorescent protein (GFP).
Standard DAB staining for free-floating fixed NHP brain tissue
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details the procedure for immunohistochemical 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining of free-floating fixed brain tissue sections using the avidin/biotin ABC complex.
By Emma Sherrell onThe package "pyRASP" (written in support of is a set of Python classes that can be run from scripts, interactive notebooks, and so on to analyze microscopy data. An example notebook is provided, showing user analyses.
Disease progression strikingly differs in research and real-world Parkinson’s populations
By Emma Sherrell onPublished: Characterization of Parkinson's disease (PD) progression using real-world evidence could guide clinical trial design and identify subpopulations. This study characterizes Parkinson's progression in diverse populations. It delineates systemic divergences in the patient populations enrolled in research settings vs. patients in the real world. View original preprint.
Free-floating immunofluorescence protocol on mouse brain sections for tau pathology
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol describes the free-floating multiplexed immunofluorescent staining protocol to ascertain levels of tau and phospho-tau in mouse tissue from transplanted human iPSC cells carrying different PD-related mutations.
Intracellular neuromelanin from post-mortem human midbrain and pontine
By Emma Sherrell onThis data set includes different quantification parameters to identify the features of intracellular neuromelanin.
iSCORE-PD: an isogenic stem cell collection to research Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onGenome-edited human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) offer the unique potential to advance the understanding of Parksion's etiology by providing disease-relevant cell types carrying patient mutations along with isogenic control cells. To facilitate this experimental approach, the authors generated a collection of cell lines harboring mutations in genes associated with Parkinson's.
Single-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomes
By Emma Sherrell onThis dataset contains 224 paired fastq files (112 single cells) from the following samples: brains from two Multiple System Atrophy patients and one control, and non-brain controls (fibroblasts, NA12878).
Coupling of TMEM192 antibody to MyOne™ Epoxy Dynabeads™
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol describes the coupling of rabbit monoclonal TMEM192 antibody (Abcam recombinant Anti-TMEM192 antibody , BSA and Azide free, ab232600) to MyOne™ Epoxy Dynabeads™ (Invitrogen™, 34001D). The coupled beads generated using this protocol can be used for the isolation of untagged lysosomes from cells and tissues.
Methods and applications for single-cell and spatial multi-omics
By Emma Sherrell onIn this review, the authors highlight advances in the fast-developing field of single-cell and spatial multi-omics technologies (also known as multimodal omics approaches), and the computational strategies needed to integrate information across molecular layers.