Electromyogram recordings for internal capsule stimulations in non-human primates
By savannah onEMG recordings is a common method to confirm implant location. In this protocol, the authors describe steps to perform EMG recordings during an internal capsule stimulator implant surgery.
Image distortion data from “An open-source MRI compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkeys”
By savannah onImage distortion data associated with the manuscript "An open-source MRI compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkeys."
EMG data from “An open-source MRI compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkeys”
By savannah onEMG data from the manuscript, "An open-source MRI compatible frame for multimodal presurgical mapping in macaque and capuchin monkeys."
Quality assessment for images obtained using 3D printed stereotaxic frame
By savannah onQuality assessment for images obtained using 3D printed stereotaxic frame.
Datasets and key resources table from “Early striatal hyperexcitability in an in vitro human striatal microcircuit model carrying the Parkinson’s GBA-N370S mutation”
By savannah onThe files found here contain source data, supplementary data, a key resource table, and a list of primers related to the publication "Early striatal hyperexcitability in an in vitro human striatal microcircuit model carrying the Parkinson's GBA-N370S mutation."
Quantification of glutamate released from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) derived cortical neurons (CNs)
By savannah onThis protocol describes the procedure to quantify glutamate released from induced pluripotent stem cells derived cortical neurons (iPSC-CNs) cultured in adherent monolayer.
Linear diffusion modeling of tau pathology spread
By savannah onCode to reproduce all network analyses in Lubben et al.: "LRRK2 kinase inhibition reverses G2019S mutation-dependent effects on tau pathology spread."
Regional mouse brain analysis (Modified QUINT)
By Emma Sherrell onThis series of protocols has been adapted from published and unpublished protocols broadly referred to as the QUINT workflow: Note that the original QUINT workflow was generated by Yates and colleagues, and all credit for the development of these programs goes to that team.
Dopamine across timescales and cell types: Relevance for phenotypes in Parkinson’s disease progression
By Emma Sherrell onThis review covers recent conceptual advances in our basic understanding of the dopamine system – including our rapidly advancing knowledge of dopamine neuron heterogeneity – with special attention to their importance for understanding PD.
Alterations in neurotransmitter co-release in Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onThis review summarizes previous work characterizing neurotransmitter co-release from dopamine neurons, work examining potential changes in co-release dynamics that result in animal models of Parkinson's disease, and future opportunities for determining how dysfunction in co-release may contribute to circuit dysfunction in Parkinson's disease.
The role of α-synuclein in exocytosis
By Emma Sherrell onThe pathogenesis of degeneration in Parkinson's disease (PD) remains poorly understood but multiple lines of evidence have converged on the presynaptic protein α-synuclein (αsyn). αSyn regulates several cellular processes, however, its normal function remains poorly understood. In this review, the authors focus on its role in exocytosis.
Role of dopamine neuron activity in Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology
By Emma Sherrell onHere, the authors focus on evidence that the activity of dopamine neurons is altered in Parkinson's disease (PD), either as a compensatory response to degeneration or as a result of circuit dynamics or pathologic proteins, based on available human data and studies in animal models of PD.
A proteome-wide quantitative platform for nanoscale spatially resolved extraction of membrane proteins into native nanodiscs
By Emma Sherrell onUsing a library of membrane-active polymers the authors have developed a platform for the high-throughput analysis of the membrane proteome. The platform enables near-complete spatially resolved extraction of target membrane proteins directly from their endogenous membranes into native nanodiscs that maintain the local membrane context.
Live cell imaging of yeast cells expressing human PINK1-GFP and the TOM complex subunits
By Emma Sherrell onA protocol for live-cell imaging of yeast cells expressing human PINK1 with GFP tag at the C-terminus as well as all the human TOM complex subunits (TOMs 5, 6, 7, 20, 22, 40 and 70).
Dysfunction of motor cortices in Parkinson’s disease
By Emma Sherrell onRecent studies in humans with PD and in animal models of the disease have accumulated evidence suggesting that the involvement of the cerebral cortex is complicated. In this review, the authors discuss PD-related changes in frontal cortical motor regions, focusing on neuropathology, changes in neurotransmission, and altered network interactions.
Comparative study of enriched dopaminergic neurons from siblings with Gaucher disease discordant for parkinsonism
By Emma Sherrell onInducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from patient samples have significantly enhanced our ability to model neurological diseases. Comparative studies of dopaminergic neurons differentiated from iPSCs derived from siblings with Gaucher disease discordant for parkinsonism provide an avenue to explore genetic modifiers contributing to GBA1-associated parkinsonism in disease-relevant cells.
Single-molecule antibody slides for fluorescence microscopy
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol describes how to create single-molecule antibody slides for fluorescence microscopy.
RASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds_data
By Emma Sherrell onRASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds_data.