RASP: A new method for single puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds
By Emma Sherrell onSuper-resolution and single-molecule microscopy are increasingly applied to complex biological systems. A challenge of this approach is that fluorescent puncta must be detected in low signal, high noise, and heterogeneous background environments of cells and tissue. The authors present RASP, Radiality Analysis of Single Puncta, a bioimaging-segmentation method that solves this problem.
sCMOS calibration software
By Emma Sherrell onThis is software for calibrating sCMOS cameras, written in MATLAB. The readme file gives instructions on how to record experimental data and use the code to estimate the pixel-dependent offset, gain, variance, and read noise of a sCMOS camera.
Tetraspeck bead imaging V.2
By Emma Sherrell onProtocol for imaging tetraspeck beads on glass coverslips.
Rating scale for Parkinsonian motor signs in macaques and other non‐human primates
By Emma Sherrell onThis protocol details rating scale for Parkinsonian motor signs in macaques and other non‐human primates.
Comparison of alternative pre-mRNA splicing and gene expression patterns in midbrain lineage cells carrying familial Parkinson’s disease mutations
By Emma Sherrell onThe authors investigated the effects of individual familial PD mutations by developing a medium-throughput platform using genome editing to install individual PD mutations in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) that the authors subsequently differentiated into midbrain lineage cells that include dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Analysis revealed that PD mutations increase pre-mRNA splicing changes.
PGK mScarlet-Synaptophysin
By Emma Sherrell onPlasmid: Synaptophysin, mScarlet (N terminal on backbone).
By Emma Sherrell onPlasmid: RAB3A, mutation Q81L, EGFP (N terminal on backbone).
By Emma Sherrell onPlasmid: RAB3A, mutation T86E, EGFP (N terminal on backbone).
By Emma Sherrell onPlasmid: RAB3A, mutation T86A, EGFP (N terminal on backbone).