HEK293E_Clu TL2+3
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
HEK293E_Clu TL1
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
HEK293E_Clu DD3
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
Dynamic behaviour restructuring mediates dopamine-dependent credit assignment
By Julia Julia Leonard onSource data for Nature manuscript: Dynamic behavior restructuring mediates dopamine-dependent credit assignment.
Y-Maze protocol
By Julia Julia Leonard onThe Y-maze is a quick and easy way to evaluate a rodent’s spatial working memory by measuring its ability to effectively explore a Y-shape maze.
Protocol for α-synuclein (αSyn) proximity ligation assay (PLA) for detecting α-synuclein oligomers in rodents
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for α-synuclein (αSyn) proximity ligation assay (PLA) for detecting α-synuclein oligomers in rodents.
By Julia Julia Leonard onThis is a protocol that describes how to use antibody staining to detect cellular epitopes by immunofluorescence microscopy.
Ubiquitin immunoprecipitation using an anti-ubiquitin nanobody
By Julia Julia Leonard onThis protocol describes an immunoprecipitation method to detect ubiquitination on a protein of interest.
HEK293E_Clu DD1
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
Virus production and administration
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for AAV production and administration to mice.
HEK293E_Clu CC3
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
Tissue preparation, immunohistochemistry, imaging, and quantification
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for neuronal imaging.
HEK293E_Clu CC2
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
GCaMP6f fluorescence in ex vivo intestinal preparation
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for GCaMP6f imaging in ex vivo mouse intestinal tissue.
HEK293E_Clu CC1
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
HEK293E_Clu AB2
By Emma Sherrell onCell Line: Transfected with the pB-T-PAF expression plasmid expressing mutated CLU under the tet operator and the PB-RN reverse transactivator plasmid expressing the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator under the CMV promoter.
Metagenome preparation and analysis
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for metagenomic analysis from mouse fecal pellets.
Expansion microscopy with R1441C LRRK2 MEF cells: Visualization of Myc-RILPL1 and TMEM55B
By Emma Sherrell onExpansion microscopy is a super-resolution imaging technique that uses expandable hydrogels to increase the physical distance between fluorophores from fixed cells on coverslips. By isotropically expanding samples, the traditional wavelength-limited confocal microscopy imaging techniques can be improved upon ~4X in resolution. Here, the authors use expansion techniques developed previously by others to confocal image TMEM55B and RILPL1.
Determination of NM concentration
By Emma Sherrell onThis is the protocol for determining neuromelanin concentration and data.
Metabolomics preparation and analysis
By Julia Julia Leonard onProtocol for metabolomic analysis from mouse fecal and cecal samples.