Preprocessing pipeline to establish and extract data from ROIs from multifiber photometry movies
By Emma Sherrell onPipeline and code are available for imaging data preprocessing using a micro-fiber array approach to measure and manipulate local dynamics in mice, allowing the study of cell-specific signals in 3D volumes.
Pipeline and MATLAB code for micro-CT-based fiber localization
By Emma Sherrell onPipeline and MATLAB code for a micro-CT-based method for precise fiber localization and atlas alignment after performing micro-fiber photometry in behaving mice.
Custom G-code used to jet-print microfluid-walled dumbbells
By Emma Sherrell onAll original G-code used to jet-print the microfluid-walled dumbbells described in Nebuloni, F. et al. (2024) study.
Computational analysis for “Comparative Analysis of AAV Serotypes for the Transduction of Olfactory Sensory Neurons” by Belfort and Jia et al. 2024
By Emma Sherrell onCode for snRNAseq dataset analysis of AAV-infected mouse olfactory epithelium. This code accompanies the manuscript: Comparative Analysis of AAV Serotypes for the Transduction of Olfactory Sensory Neurons by Belfort, Jia et al. 2024.
Custom Phyton scripts related to Stedehouder & Roberts (2024) “Rapid modulation of striatal cholinergic interneurons and dopamine release by satellite astrocytes”
By Emma Sherrell onScripts by Jeffrey Stedehouder and Professor Kevin McGerty to analyze and plot FCV and patch-clamp experiments in ex vivo mouse brain slices and to model the distance between cell types.
Peripheral immune neurodegeneration
By Emma Sherrell onThe project investigates if immune cells impact neurodegenerative diseases differently based on ancestry. It examines disease gene expression and genetic links in African, East Asian, and European populations.
Analytical tool for spatial gene expression with 10x Visium Platform
By Emma Sherrell onAn analytical tool to be used with the 10X Visium Platform to compare spatial gene expression values.
R scripts for the statistical analysis and plotting in the paper GEARBOCS: An Adeno Associated Virus Tool for In Vivo Gene Editing in Astrocytes
By Emma Sherrell onR scripts for the statistical analysis and plotting in the paper GEARBOCS: An Adeno Associated Virus Tool for In Vivo Gene Editing in Astrocytes.
By Emma Sherrell onThis script calculates a directionality index to assess the randomness of cell movement.
By Emma Sherrell onThis script assesses the complexity of extracellular matrix network through a skeleton analysis.
By savannah onThis repository contains MATLAB scripts and utilities for the analysis of simulated and experimental POLCAM single-molecule orientation-localisation microscopy (SMOLM) data using RoSE-O, providing accurate and precise measurements of the location and orientation of single molecules.
POLCAM-SR: Version 1.4
By savannah onSoftware for processing single-molecule and diffraction limited polarization camera image data.
R scripts associated with
By savannah onAll original R code written to analyze results shown in and Kilfeather & Koo et al. (2024), "Single-cell spatial transcriptomic and translatomic profiling of dopaminergic neurons in health, aging, and disease."
Nextflow pipeline for Nanopore WGS analysis
By Emma Sherrell onNextflow pipeline to process whole genome long-read sequencing data generated in the context of ASAP project.
CREsted (Cis-Regulatory Element Sequence Training, Explanation and Design): A deep learning package for training enhancer models on single-cell ATAC sequencing (scATAC-seq) data
By Emma Sherrell onCREsted offers detailed analyses and tutorials for studying enhancer codes and creating synthetic enhancer sequences at cell type-specific, nucleotide-level resolution.
manuelatan/PD-survival-GWAS: Release 2.0
By Emma Sherrell onCode for PD progression survival GWAS to mortality, and Hoehn and Yahr stage 3 or greater (H&Y3+) to understand the determinants of mortality and motor progression in Parkinson’s disease.
Code for clinical dataset analysis included in: Persistent Hyposmia as Surrogate for α-Synuclein-Linked Brain Pathology
By Emma Sherrell onCode used for the analysis of clinical data as reported in the study, "Persistent Hyposmia as Surrogate for α-Synuclein-Linked Brain Pathology" in Mollenhauer, Li et al., MedRxiv 2023.